Our Advisory Committee
Guillaume Poupard
Deputy General Manager at Docaposte
A graduate of the École Polytechnique (X92 class) and a doctor of cryptology, Guillaume Poupard, 50, began his career as head of the cryptology laboratory of the Central Directorate for Information Systems Security (DCSSI), which became the National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI) in 2009.
In 2005, he joined the Ministry of Defense, where he specialized in cyber defense, before joining the General Directorate of Armaments (DGA) in 2010 as head of the information systems security and cyber defense divisions.
In 2014, he was called upon to take over as General Director of ANSSI, a position he will hold until the end of 2022. In a context of growing cyber threats, Guillaume Poupard will have, over the last 8 years, played a key role in the evolution of France's strategy on cybersecurity and contributed to the development of ANSSI, which now has more than 600 high-level experts in all areas of cybersecurity (technical, operational, strategic, regulatory, etc.) and brought together a national ecosystem of public and private actors on cybersecurity issues.