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We accompany,
in early stage,
future leaders
of fintech,
of Insurtech
and Cybersecurity.

Launched in 2022 by the La Banque Postale group,
115K is a fund
of venture capital turned
towards financial and strategic performance. 

A fund of €150 million. 
Tickets from 0.25 to 5M€

in first-time investment. 
France & Europe. 

A Propos

The powerful network of
La Banque Postale with
the operation
of a traditional VC

Opportunities for synergies with the enlarged group (La Poste, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Bpifrance, CNP Assurances, etc.).
Operation and governance in line with market practices.
A pool of internal and external experts.


An entrepreneurial spirit
associated with a
long term vision

An experience forged in contact with the platform58 incubator, a benchmark fintech incubator in France (+40 alumni)
An evergreen positioning and an ability to reinvest over the long term. 

Nos engagements


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Damien Launoy

Director of

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Laura de Buyer


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Martin Palomar


Hugo Vallette Viallard



Between corporate funds and VC,
we combine the best
of both worlds



Carbo is the free web application that helps you understand and reduce your carbon impact. use it
in addition to daily efforts!

We chose 115K for two main reasons: The team has the same mindset as that of platform58, i.e. fully committed to serving our development, and the values of La Banque Postale, Bank and Citizen, are aligned with the philosophy of our project.
Simon Letourneau, CEO of Carbo

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Cashbee is the simple savings app that takes care of your interests and adapts to your desires. Open in less time than it takes to tell, free and always available


We are delighted to have 115K in our round. The expertise and availability of the team, and the power of their ecosystem are real differentiating assets and stimulate our growth and our strategic thinking. They are by our side to help us fulfill our promise: to democratize access to smart and committed savings, and thus help the French to save better and succeed in their financial lives.
Marc Tempelman, co-founder of Cashbee

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Ubiquitous Encryption to secure Privacy-by-default

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At 115k, we appreciate the effective combination of a team of experienced investors and the technical and business expertise of a reference banking group. To enable us to support our growth in a rapidly accelerating sector - Cybersecurity and Data Security.
Sandrine Murcia & Bruno Grieder, co-founders of Cosmian



« C’est une grande satisfaction de pouvoir compter sur le fonds 115K de La Banque Postale, avec cette série A qui signe une nouvelle étape de notre développement.
Cela a un sens par rapport à notre souhait d’être accompagnés par de grands acteurs français du financement de l’innovation »

Audrey Amédro, CEO de Sesame it

Leader en cybersécurité, contribuant à lutter contre ls menaces cybernétiques les plus avancées.


Ubiquitous Encryption to secure Privacy-by-default

At 115k, we appreciate the effective combination of a team of experienced investors and the technical and business expertise of a reference banking group. To enable us to support our growth in a rapidly accelerating sector - Cybersecurity and Data Security.
Sandrine Murcia & Bruno Grieder, co-founders of Cosmian



"115K fait partie, tout comme Numalis, d'un écosystème vertueux, exigeant, avec des valeurs et des engagements forts où la confiance est l'un des piliers. Avoir la capacité de collaborer avec un acteur important de l'économie française sur des questions d'IA de confiance est une marque de reconnaissance et une grande fierté pour notre deeptech."

Arnault Loualalen - CEO and R-D director - Numalis

Numalis développe des solutions pour la validation des algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle pour une IA fiable et sécurisée



"Nous sommes ravis d'accueillir 115K au capital de Garantme. Le moment est parfaitement choisi pour nous, car nous consolidons les synergies entre trois industries clés : la technologie, l'assurance et la banque. L'expertise sectorielle de 115K combinée à la qualité de l'équipe d'investissement vont nous être d'une grande aide dans ce nouveau chapitre."

Thomas Reynaud  & Emile Karam, co-fondateurs de Garantme

Solution de cautions pour les locataires qui n'ont pas de garant.




"We're thrilled to be 115K's first investment outside of France. With their connection to local governments, they have a deep understanding of cities’ climate ambitions and the need for data to raise green funds. Their expertise will be of great help as we innovate in this area.”

Einar Bodström, co-founder and CEO, ClimateView 

ClimateView a Swedish climate tech company that accelerates cities' transition to zero carbon economies. 

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"Nous sommes ravis d'avoir le support de 115K pour accompagner la nouvelle phase de croissance de Continuity. Un partenaire de long terme, avec de fortes convictions sur le potentiel de transformation de l'assurance par la technologie. Et surtout un investisseur qui apporte une forte ambition pour construire des leaders tech en Europe"

Benoît Pastorelli - CEO et co-fondateur - Continuity 

Continuity est un pionnier dans l’exploitation de l'intelligence artificielle et des données externes pour les assureurs IARD professionnels et entreprises



La force du Groupe


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The Banque Postale group is a leader in bancassurance with:

11th banking group
of the euro area

7.7 billion euros in NBI
10M customers in France
64M internationally
20 countries

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